Tuesday, May 18, 2010

May 18. 2010

So, I slept in again. Cereal it is. Ian had four bowls. He was disappointed with the regular Frosted Mini Wheats that I poured for him. He is pretty particular about his cereal. He needs milk on each biscuit because he prefers "scrunchy" cereal, not just regular crunchy kind. And, he wanted the chocolate ones. Yes, such a thing exists and yes, Aldi already has a knockoff so my kids were allowed to have it. Francesca said it tastes like nail polish. That's a ringing endorsement. So, once Ian finished his regular bowl he was allowed to have the chocolate. Then he wanted more. So he had two bowls when he RETURNED to the breakfast table after we ran Francesca to school.

Little Hulk had pancakes for lunch again. Just two today. But they were big. I saw them. He let us know that he likes pancakes for lunch everyday. Really? Thank you Captain Obvious. When we got home from GG's he unpacked the groceries making a pile of the things that he likes: Eggs, cheese, Pringles, Captain Crunch (and when I say "Captain Crunch" I mean "Peanut Butter Kids Krunch from Aldi) and pickles. He then demanded cheesy eggs. I told him to get bent. (Or I may have said something motherly about choosing some fruit, but I like to picture telling my four year old to get bent.) Then he swiped some light string cheese from the fridge. And those are MINE. After the cheese he decided on an apple. I made him take it in the yard. I figured if he can't smell the food or see it he may leave some for the rest of us. Because apples aren't really portable enough, he put it on a bamboo skewer. Later when his buddy was over they got in to the fruit bowl. I'm not sure who ate what, but I'm pretty sure that Ian had his share.

Dinner time and Ian snuck some candy off the top of the fridge (that's less impressive than how he climbed out of my car's window and on top of the car this morning). He had an Airhead. While he watched me cook, he asked for marshmallows and peanut butter. I said no to both. Geesh. For dinner he ate a porkchop pan seared and braised in artichoke salad, mushrooms and red wine, and a tossed salad with bleu cheese crumbles and balsamic vinegar. It was realllllllly good. It's one of my favorite meals. I was impressed that he was happy with just the vinegar dressing his salad. He liked it so much that he got up and hugged me in the middle of dinner. After dinner he had two spears of fresh cut pineapple. And deeeeeeeeennnnnn he had strawberries with fat free whipped topping.

Bed time is in twenty minutes. He'll probably chew in his sleep.

Now, you may have heard that the mainstream media is already on to me. There was a big piece on Childhood Obesity last night. I think my legion of faN turned me in. I wish to assure you that my fascination with this kid's diet is because he's NOT obese. He's barely even chubby. The kid is just an ox. Lest there be any doubt..........The picture of his muscles about clearly show he's in peak physical condition. The Power Rangers/GI Joe/CIA preschool regimen is working for him....

1 comment:

  1. Ohmigod this is so hilarious. I love that he ate his apple on a skewer. I hope he's feeling better, by the way - poor boy.
