Friday, June 18, 2010

I told my dear friend that my attention span was about three days. That held true. But THEN someone read what I wrote and wants to know more. How can a person with two fans disappoint? I'm pretty sure that if Ian knew he had TWO FANS he'd get all Arnie Grape (you've seen What's Eating Gilbert Grape, right?) and go NUTS and eat the couch.

So, it's summer break. I have aaaaallllllll day long to do nothing but hang out with my kids. Better mothers would be thrilled. Honest ones would say that they have NO IDEA what on Earth to do. Better mothers would be up at seven. Honest ones sleep until ten thirty and then doze until eleven thirty. Shit. Seriously. No one wants anything from me. Ian has a pretty good idea how to get around the kitchen. So he got hungry and made some PB&J. It's sort of his lifeblood. Even when I'm totally vertical, he has no wish for me to make his PB&J. He makes it, he eats it. He's happy. *I* certainly don't use half the bottle of the squeezy strawberry jelly to make a sandwich. That's just stupid. He does. And it trails about the house. It's sticky. Frankly, I'm with my mom. Grape jelly is cheaper! I had no idea and thought The Deb just liked grape. And squeezy? I'm with Sean, my fiiiiiianceeee, it's stupid more expensive. OK, so I'm super awesome and my kid got squeezy strawberry jelly with his Aldi peanut butter. And then he really didn't eat too terribly much more. I warmed up canned ravioli before his sister's t-ball practice which he was too busy to eat. (PEOPLE! It was on super sale at the check out at Wal Mart! You can't feed two gingers for four meals at that price with a real Chef...Boyardee....endorsing it...anywhere else) I called the kids in for dinner after a long day of FAILED summer activities and fed them leftover marinara with WHITE spaghetti. It was just a bad day. They hate me, they hate T ball. Water cost a buck and quarter at the fields. My mom's neighbor kid is an asshole and his father/uncle/ somebody's girlfriend/friend/ piece is almost as much of an asshole but slightly better than the kid. Oy, He had a fudgecicle and and a Popsicle too.

Tomorrow, we have somewhere to go. It will be better. I'll cook and stuff. And not be so bitter.